Membership options
Applying for Membership
To become a member of the PFI, you must be aged 18 or over; you must consider yourself to be a Pagan and accept the three principles of PFI set out below. We also ask you to tell us a little bit about yourself and your interests and experience in Paganism and submit the application form. People new to Paganism who are sincere seekers are welcome, as well as experienced Pagans. Once we receive the application form we will send you an invitation to join PFI/ Pagan Federation International, along with payment details and membership options and fees.
Please do NOT make a payment until your application has been approved.
The Three Principles of Pagan Federation International
PFI exists not to promote a single aspect or path within Paganism, nor does it presume to represent all Pagans. Rather it is an umbrella organisation with a membership drawn from all paths. Pagans over the age of 18 are welcome. On must however subscribe to the three principles which give PFI its common purpose and its focus:
1. Love for and Kinship with Nature. Reverence for the life force and its ever-renewing cycles of life and death.
2. A positive morality, in which the individual is responsible for the discovery and development of their true nature in harmony with the outer world and community. This is often expressed as “Do what you will, as long as it harms none”.
3. Recognition of the Divine, which transcends gender, acknowledging both the female and male aspect of Deity.
JOINT Membership: Partners can become joint members at a small additional cost. We must have the names of both partners, and each person should apply separately. Please indicate in the application form that you are applying as joint members.
- Membership with a subscription to Pagan Dawn: This membership includes the magazine, “Pagan Dawn” published by the PF in England, with an international section, contacts, interesting articles and so on.
There is a PDO/ Pagan Dawn Online subscription option as well. - It also includes the quarterly PFI online magazine Pagan World, with national newsletters in diverse languages.
- Membership only: This membership includes all of the above, including Pagan World and diverse national newsletters but without Pagan Dawn.
Application Form
Please fill in and submit the application form below.
For your region see here.
Bright blessings,