Post zamieszczony na prosbę Port Isy
Wiccans, Druids, and other Pagans are part of an international coalition
Of religious leaders and others who have signed a letter to King Abdullah
Bin Abd al-'Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia pleading for the release of a
Saudi Arabian woman, Fawza Falih, who has been condemned to death for
"witchcraft." She was accused for "bewitching" a man and making him
"impotent." She was imprisoned and beaten, her confession was coerced,
The limited appeals process is now exhausted, and she is awaiting
Execution, a public beheading.
The coalition seeking her pardon and release also includes Muslims, Jews,
Christians, Hindus, Native Americans, Buddhists, and those of other faith
Traditions. The letter will be delivered soon to the Saudi ambassadors to
The United Nations and the United States.
More than 9900 people have already signed the petition -- the goal is to
Get over 10,000 by the morning of Saturday, March 8 -- International
Women's Day.
ACT NOW -- sign the petition to save Fawza Falih's life:
NETWORK -- Please circulate this request for signatures and support. Time
Is of the essence. Post this email to lists, blogs, websites, elsewhere.
Sampling of Media Reports with more details:
BBC News:
CNN: ... hcraft.cnn