The Wicca Study Group is a course for those interested in the beliefs and practices of Wicca. The course has been run in London since 1988 by the authors of many books on Wicca, Vivianne and Chris Crowley.
This year it comes to Poland and will be led by Agni and Mike Keeling, who for years have worked with Vivianne and Chris and have taken part in the running of previous courses.
The course will include the following topics:
Introduction to Wicca
Wicca as a mystery path, an initiatory tradition
God and Goddess in Wicca
Wiccan Year celebrations - the Wheel of the Year
Yule ritual
Wiccan ritual
The Elements
Energy work and Magic.
These topics will be divided into two weekend-long workshops and will be presented in Polish.
The first part of the course will take lace on 27/28 of December 2008 in Warsaw. The exact location will be disclosed at a later time to those who sign up. If you are interested in joining us - please write to Rawimir at